
March 18, 1978

The thing about growing older is that you become more conscious of the flaws. The facades look good in the shade, when the light is low and the shadows blend together, but each step forward is a step into a clearer light. You start to see the shoddy workmanship, the exposed beams, the rough woodwork. What you thought was a stone pillar is only plaster and peeling paint. And you curse yourself for your blindness, and try to fool yourself that what you see is wrong, because it can’t be, can’t be. The bedrock is really mud and you’ve been walking on it this whole time without knowing the difference.

14 thoughts on “Facades

  1. A great piece, Steven. I like to think growing older also means one begins to see Beauty, Truth, and Love for what they really are and not what media outlets and the latest apps would have us believe. One begins to appreciate ‘the little things’ simply because one can. One begins to slow down on purpose… because to do so is to be reintroduced to the child-like spirit still alive and aware in us all…?

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    1. Absolutely, K’lee. Growing older is a rich experience because you’re not fumbling around trying to discover that matters through others. I’ve spent a lot of time with my camera exploring the hidden beauty of old barns, weeds, scarred wood because of their uniqueness. I’ll stop and pick up a stone if it catches my eye, I’ll read a piece of poetry because its purity stops my heart. The older I get, the more I pay attention to the color of the sky. I’m hardly unique in that way, but the memory stays a little longer. What I observe I tend to write about, though it’s sometimes hidden in layers of a character’s interpretation. I consider myself a bit of a cynic, but I think most of my writing possesses a deep romanticism and appreciation of what I see and feel.

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      1. Beautifully said, my friend. Your writing shines for many reasons, but now I think I understand the main reason a little better. Well done.

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  2. I find that the exposed flaws are in fact more beautiful than the facade when it comes to the things in life that matter. It’s the poignancy of the striving, failing, striving, and finding in an imperfect world that makes me fall in love with life.

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  3. I agree. It’s the flaws that give character and strength. Imperfections amplify the beauty and resiliency. Facades are masks and sleight-of-hand distractions. I probably should have noted that this was written as an “in character” fictional piece. I’ll be sure to mention that in the future. πŸ™‚

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      1. Yes, I’ll definitely use disclaimers from now on. I received condolences for a short piece I wrote last year. I did tag it as fiction, but I suppose that’s easy to miss. I thought the date that prefaced this one would be an indication that it was fiction, or a very old bad mood. Oh well. πŸ™‚

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